

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgivukkah...

...from this food nerd to any other food nerds out there. Hubby made fun of me tonight because I simply cannot seem to stop myself from photographing food. I really can't help it - it's all so interesting and beautiful to me! :)

Just about our entire meal was locally-sourced, organic, free-range, etc, etc...except for Nana's traditional cranberry jello mold, but I'm pretty sure there'd be a revolt if anyone messed with that! Usually I buy a grocery store frozen turkey with that awesome $.89/pound coupon they have, but this year, I went to the co-op (which we finally joined!) and ordered a fresh, local, free-range bird. It was beautiful.

My new favorite time and stress-saving tradition is making gravy on the night before Thanksgiving with last year's frozen stock and turkey fat. Plus there's enough for everyone to take home leftovers!

For my apple pie this year, I made the apple slab pie that Tracey posted. I struggled a bit with the dough - probably because I insisted on subbing in whole wheat flour for part of it - but it worked out fine and tasted fantastic!

Plus...again, lots of leftovers!

I was really tempted to make latkes to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime Thanksgivukkah, but I just couldn't pull it off. Still, oil made a special appearance with my first ever homemade fried onions - yum!!! And hopefully I can still make latkes this weekend.

Not exactly food, but my new toy made cooking the turkey so easy-peasy! Thermoworks new Chef Alarm - I love it!

Honey wheat rolls from KAF and completely from-scratch green bean casserole.

Nana's jello, turkey, green bean casserole, and my dad's sausage-wild-rice-bread stuffing.

I'm such a nerd that I actually baked a loaf of bread to cut up, just so he wouldn't have to use the bagged stuff - this unprocessed thing is a little addictive.

The full plate...with gravy:

And without:

Update: And how could I forget the most important part of the meal?!? Pumpkin pies, one made by the little guy and one made by the little girl, with a little help from Pa and Grandma - served with homemade vanilla bean ice cream - perfection!

Hope your Thanksgivukkah was filled with love, friends, family, good food, and a little drawing on the steam on the windows after dinner. :)


  1. Turkey---and everything else---was delicious. The white meat was moist and very flavorful. You forgot to mention your homemade ice cream and the pumpkin pies the children made. Everything was great, plus leftovers for all the guests to take home. Thanks for giving us all such a wonderful day.

  2. Wow, Abby! Nice job. =) Everything looks delicious. I definitely want to try that slab pie.
