

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ceremonial mask bread (Mellow Bakers: fougasse with olives)

Hubby thought it looked like a ceremonial mask
My first November Mellow Bakers bread is an olive fougasse. I made half a recipe, which made one loaf, and I could've easily made the whole thing as the entire loaf was demolished in no time.

This bread got squished into life; it's the first time I've ever taken a bread-in-progress with me to work. :) I made the paté fermentée at dinner time and mixed the dough together the next morning before work. (Luckily it was fast to knead the bread flour, whole wheat flour, water, salt, instant yeast, olive oil, paté fermentée, and olives, as hubby was shooting me dirty looks because I was making us late!!) Carrying my little measuring cup of dough, I brought it to daycare drop-off and then to work. Right before the students arrived, I scrubbed my hands, did a quick stretch-and-fold, and threw my dough into the fridge. At the end of the day, I pulled the dough and let it come to room temperature during our faculty meeting. I preshaped the dough into a round while I was picking up the kiddos from daycare, and then we headed home. There I rolled out the dough, let it rise while I made the night's soup, and then baked it up. It was finished in 20 minutes and ready to eat five minutes after that.
As I said, a big hit with the fam, and while scheduling was interesting, it wasn't too challenging to make for a quick bread and soup dinner.

Fougasse with green olives


  1. OMG - that's hilarious that you took the dough to work with you! I love about dedication. It looks amazing, I can see why it was a hit with the family.

  2. Looks wonderful, and I always love something that can be used for more than one thing! Clever use of bread/mask indeed.

  3. That is so funny!! Did you get any puzzled, funny looks from anybody who saw you carrying dough? Pretty impressive looking fougasse there! I'll bet it was wonderful with the soup. I like the way you can just grab the fougasse with fingers through a slit and just pull it apart instead of fussing w/ a knife to cut it up.

  4. Very resourceful of you! =) I still need to try fougasse; with as many things as I've tried, I've missed that one.
