

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Mellow Bakers: Black bread (August)

My final Mellow Bakers bread for August is black bread. This is a sourdough rye made with an old bread soaker (rebaked mixed-flour miche mixed with hot water, coffee grounds, and vegetable oil), rye flour, high gluten flour, salt, instant yeast, and sourdough.

The dough was fairly crumbly (there's no water added other than the water in the soaker and the sourdough), and my mixer couldn't seem to bring it together. However, after a few minutes of kneading by hand, it formed a workable dough and I was able to proceed. The bread has a relatively short bulk and final fermentations.

We tried the bread with a little butter. It had a really interesting, complex flavor, and we could definitely taste the coffee. We gave the rest of the loaf to my dad, the designated sourdough rye-eater.


  1. Looks great! When I saw the title, I thought, "Oh, wow, Auggie likes black bread already!" And then I realized it was August the Some of us are slower to catch on that others...but give me credit for at least thinking of Auggie, okay??? The bread looks wonderful, I made soup for lunch so I would love a slice of this to go with it. Yes, yes, I would. Happy First Day Back at will be less fun without you playing with us each day.

  2. Your loaf looks really good! I wish I could taste someone else's before I went to the trouble of making this one. I don't know that I'd want to taste coffee in my bread.

  3. I'm new to breadbaking and I've always wanted to try making rye bread so it was very interesting to read about yours. I didn't know there was coffee in rye bread!

  4. Intriguing Abby, reminds me of the pumperknickel bread of my youth!

  5. Wow--I should make this when my mom visits--she loves that dark pumpernickel. (I'm trying to bake along with Mellow Bakers, but I fear I've been a little TOO mellow).
