

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mellow Bakers: Potato bread with roasted onions

Wait! Haven't we seen this one before?

We Mellow Bakers did, indeed, already bake a roasted potato bread back in October, and my family loved it. Needless to say, we were pretty excited to see this one come up: essentially the same bread but with the addition of roasted onions.

This one starts the night before with mixing up a pâte fermentée and roasting potatoes and onions. All easy enough, except that I forgot I was only wearing one pot holder as I was dealing with the pan of hot onions and got a nasty little burn on my finger.

The rest of the recipe is the same as the roasted potato bread (bread flour, whole wheat flour, water, salt, instant yeast, and the onions and potatoes). Easily made and baked in a morning, with a little pause in the fridge while we went shopping.

I only made one 1.5 pound loaf and it flew off the dinner table. The little guy who never likes my bread ate thirds and the baby girl ate fourths (and both asked for another piece). This was a very flavorful bread.

We ate it with this recipe for Tuscan roasted chicken which I bookmarked on Margaret's blog during our vacation. Instead of fennel, I used shallots, which appeared in our first CSA box yesterday. (We actually are on week 3 of our CSA, but were out of town for the first two weeks of it.) We finished the meal with a little fruit salad and a CSA-inspired salad. Quite a tasty summer meal!

1st CSA box


  1. Oh, that looks delicious, I want the bread, and the entire dinner! Just the sort of plate of food that would be much appreciated here.

  2. Wonderful looking slice of bread!! I just made this yesterday, but it was my first time putting potato into bread. We absolutely loved it too, and polished off the small baguette for dinner. The veggies look great also. I wish we could participate in a CSA here.
    Hope your finger is feeling better!
