

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mellow Bakers: Five-grain bread with paté fermentée (May)

Cutting it a bit close, aren't I? Almost to the last week of May, and I haven't made any of the Mellow Bakers' May breads yet...yikes!

So here's the first one: five grain bread with paté fermentée. I made the paté fermentée on Friday night: bread flour, water, salt, and a tiny bit of yeast. I also made a soaker, using oats, rye, wheat flakes, flaxseeds, and sunflower seeds.

On Saturday evening, when the paté fermentée was properly domed, I mixed up the rest of the bread dough: more bread flour, water, salt, yeast, the soaker, and the paté fermentée. The dough rose for two hours with a fold in the middle. Then I put the two-pound loaf (I made a half-recipe) into my biggest 9x5 loaf pan, put it in a plastic bag, and stuck it in the fridge over night.

This morning, the dough had risen above the lip of the pan, so I stuck it in a 350F oven for 45 minutes until the internal temperature reached 190F.

The bread has a nice flavor from the grains, and hubby really enjoyed the added crunch from the sunflower seeds. It made excellent sandwiches for lunch.


  1. You're still doing way better than me. =) I haven't made any Mellow Bakers breads in months. Maybe things will finally calm down a bit once school is out. =)

  2. Your sandwich looks awefully good!! My dough for this bread is in its final rise on the counter as I type. I hope mine looks and tastes as good as yours.

  3. I agree that sandwich looks really good! I am also running late, just to much going on right now. I did find all sorts of new grains to try, but haven't had a chance to do anything with them!

  4. ah, multigrain bread. one of my favorites. haven't baked bread for a couple of weeks - absolutely no time. I do miss homemade bread, though...
