

Friday, September 10, 2010

Post 100! Mellow Bakers: Sourdough rye with walnuts

I missed my blogiversary (it was in early September), but I'm ready to celebrate post #100! Unfortunately it arrives at a time when I am so swamped with work and life that I don't have time to do it justice. So here I am, blogging about a bread I baked a week ago with only one (badly-lit) picture.

When I went to bake this bread, I discovered that I'd neglected my starter Austin, so I began by refreshing him a few times. Then I made the sourdough by combining rye flour, water, and a bit of Austin. I let it rest overnight, and I was happy to find that it did show signs of development after about 14 hours.

Then I mixed in the rest of the ingredients: bread flour, rye flour, water, salt, a hint of instant yeast. The dough was really wet and, because I'd only made half of the recipe, my dough hook couldn't seem to do anything with it. I took it out and did a couple of stretch-and-folds. Finally I gently kneaded in the walnuts.

The dough took a while to double - probably about an hour and a half, and then I shaped it into two mini loaves so that we could have one with dinner and still have one to take in to work for the first day of school. I baked them (steamed, too) for . . . okay, I actually can't remember. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes?

This bread was yummy, although the kids didn't like it (they're fussy about nuts in their bread). I loved the combination of light rye with the walnuts. It was quite popular at school, too!

Other Mellow Bakers' September breads can be found here!


  1. Congrats on post 100! That is a milestone, isn't it?

    and to celebrate it with a nice bread post, even better! ;-)

  2. Congratulations! I just got my Hamelman yesterday--kept getting it from the library so I bought it. Who was I kidding, can I resist a good bread book? This bread looks really delicious--I am really starting to go for walnuts in bread, they go well with cheese platters too (especially raisin walnut bread, mmmmm)

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post!

  4. Congratulations a bit late but nevertheless! I really enjoy your posts and your great enthusiasm always gives me a lift (and you know I love your pizza recipe too Abby!)
