

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Modern Baker Challenge: Butterscotch Scones

One of my favorite parts of online baking challenges is getting to read about other food bloggers' experiences, experiments, adaptations, and even mishaps. In addition to making delicious food, I have learned so much!

This was no exception. As I said in my real Welsh scones post, I love scones, so I knew I would be baking all of the variations in The Modern Baker. And after I read Andrea's post (Family & Food), I knew I would be using her ideas of adding butterscotch chips and making these into mini-scones.

This recipe was so easy. It took fifteen minutes from taking the ingredients out of the cupboard to putting the scones into the oven. I let the food processor do all of the work: combining the dry ingredients, cutting in the unsalted butter, adding the chips and the wet ingredients. I dumped the dough onto my cutting board, formed it into three rounds, cut each into eight scones, and put them on the baking sheet. Another fifteen minutes of baking, and they were ready to eat.

Man, were these ever good! I don't think I've ever brought something in to work that has disappeared quite so quickly with so many compliments. I made twenty-four scones exactly twelve hours ago and there is not a single thing left but crumbs.


  1. I agree! I used Andrea's suggestion too and put in the chips. These were delicious!

  2. Wow, sounds like these were a big hit! I'll be making them again soon, too! But first I'll try my hand at the ginger scones and make crystalized ginger myself...

  3. I wish I had read Andrea's before I baked mine. I love the idea of the chips added.
